管理番号 | 新品 :91522296 | 発売日 | 2024/04/19 | 定価 | 44,546円 | 型番 | 91522296 | ||
カテゴリ |
英国ミニスポーツ社製。MSLMS0480 SPO17327
Designed and manufactured in the UK by Mini Sport, this Mini 1.5:1 high lift roller tipped rocker assembly is a direct replacement for the original rocker assembly for increasing the performance of Mini A series engines. This simple but effective modification will give similar performance to a hi lift camshaft but without the need to remove the engine and strip and rebuild it.British engineering at its best, Mini Sport are committed to keeping British manufacturing alive, investing in the very best CNC machines, with extremely talented and experienced designers and engineers ensuring the very best products and the very best quality at the best price. The 1.5:1 roller rockers are precision made in our own CNC machine shop here in the UK, to aerospace standards, ensuring the very best of British engineering for your Mini.Only at Mini Sport can you find this expertise and dedication to the Classic Mini, there are Mini spares suppliers who claim the impossible, but only Mini Sport are the genuine article. For Quality, Reliability and Value make sure it has the Mini Sport logo!Advantages of the Mini 1.5:1 'Roller Rockers'Reduces side loading and wear of the valve stem and valve guideReduces frictionQuieter, smoother running of the engineUnique 'Roller Tips' on the rocker arm1.5:1 ratio is the equivalent to using a Hi Lift Mild Road/ Fast Road specification camshaft.Not recommended for 850cc engines.
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